European Capitals Dining options in Paris, Vienna and Brussels

If there is one thing that Nutmeg and Ginger love to try it is food. The truth is you are not going to starve in any of these great cities; the array of options can be overwhelming. In all three cities Paris, Vienna and Brussels there is no end of options for international cuisine. Each city offers fresh farmers markets, local produce retailers and many ethnic specialty areas. In turn, each city has a large inventory of what Nutmeg likes to call the dreaded “overpriced and underwhelming tourist traps”.
With the internet, it is easy enough to search for good to great restaurant options in any city. Zagat is a reliable resource and a bit more established in Europe than Open Table.
The other strategy is “roll of the dice”; this means taking some time to look at the menu (price and limited variety), the décor (lighting levels and table settings) and the number of diners (never try an empty restaurant). …
Recipes & Travel:
Austria, Brussels, European Travel Tips, Restaurant Reviews, Travel to Paris