Whyte Horse Cafe – what is in a name?

Main Street in downtown Canmore is not very long so it is easy enough to notice anything new. Very recently, the Whyte Horse Cafe has appeared on the corner of 8th (Main) and 8th Avenue. The color of the building has been updated (on three sides) and there is a cool new sign and painted horse. They are also very busy building an expanded patio area so patrons can take advantage of the few warm Summer days, that may be ahead. Do not be fooled by all the activity, it is the Coffee Mine renamed, they still have the old sign out in the back alley. The same “coffee shop” rules apply (no strollers, no dogs). The food is decent and the service spotty. They had decent apple turnovers on Saturday and Nutmeg managed to get two coffees without waiting for 30 minutes. So maybe the name change will help… 🙂
Travel to Whyte Horse Cafe – what is in a name?Recipes & Travel:
Canmore Restaurants