Arriving in Rothenburg you feel like you just staggered into the pages of a child’s fairytale set in Bavaria, Germany.
Category Archives: Travel
Exploring Alyscamps in Arles
Nutmeg agreed to accompany Ginger to the medical clinic in Arles so he could get a yellow fever vaccination for his Africa trip, but only of they could visit Alyscamps afterwards.
Alyssii campi is Latin for Elysian fields – the road leading to the kingdom of the dead.
Sainte Baume Grotto and Mary Magdalene in Provence
Nutmeg got a little lost on her way to this hike. Given the religious significance of the location, maybe she was not the first lost soul during the long history of the Sainte Baume grotto.

View of Monastery & Massif Ste Baume
The Cheesiry Perfecting Artisan Cheese in Alberta
Rhonda Zuk Headon had a self-imposed a deadline, if her career path was unclear by her 30th birthday she would force the issue. She did exactly that with a trip to Tuscany and her first taste of Italian pecorino.
Crystal Cove a Pacific Coast Treasure in California
In classic Ginger and Nutmeg fashion, a planned 11:00 departure with a leisurely lunch on the beach was in reality 13:30 before the car was loaded and they were headed to a one-time secret cove.
Fontvieille Stone the Foundation of Provence
Writer Alphonse Daudet described his affection for the town of Fontvieille and its windmills as follows:
“Ce coin de roche qui m’etait une patrie et dont on retrouve la trace – êtres ou endroits – dans presque tous mes livres”
This corner of rock was a homeland to me, one which can be traced to beings or places in almost all my books.
A Red and Green Portugal Christmas
Nutmeg has a new flame.
A spring trip to Portugal sparked a fire in her belly for more fresh Atlantic seafood and genuine bem vindos (welcomes). Her pleasant experience and a non-refundable Ryanair flight made a return trip, with Ginger, a must. Besides, that late bottled vintage (LBV) port wine was growing on her.
5 Reasons to Visit Santorini in Shoulder Season
Nobody needs a reason to visit Santorini.
The Provence Book a Guide to Provencal Fables
“To Joan. A loaf of bread, a jug of wine and thou, plus a house in Provence.”
Dedication: The Provence Book.
It was a perfect Provencal day, the kind where the cobalt-blue morning sky turns white by noon under the sun’s intense rays. Nutmeg arrived at Provence Paradise an enclave of self-catering accommodation in St Remy for a tour of the villas. You can read more about William Moore’s sublime corner of Provence here.
It was time to leave, but not without a copy of The Provence Book.
Le Ventoulet Tastes of Provence in Every Cake Slice
A few years ago, a group of Provencal pastry masters called les Artisans Pâtissiers Chocolatiers du Vaucluse got together with a concept in mind, their project was to make a cake that is representative of Provence. As you can likely tell, from their official title these artisan bakers know what they are doing when it comes to creating tasty treats.
Their criteria were straightforward: