About nutmeg

Ginger and Nutmeg is a Food and Travel blog for Active Foodies hooked on travelling. We love food, history and digging into cultural traditions. This is a blog with a bit of humour, informative travel information and some great recipes.

Bratsera Hotel Sets the Bar for Tranquility in Hydra

Hydra is a short 90-minute ferry ride from Piraeus port in Athens making it a popular getaway for Athenians and for those tourists wanting to sample the Greek islands. Hydra is also fashionable, as it remains one of the few islands with practically no vehicles. You can visit this Saronic Island by foot, by donkey or via boat-taxi.

Bratsera Hotel Hydra #Bratsera #Hydra #Greece

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Discovering Beautiful Portugal from Under an Umbrella

Have you ever wondered…why do they take 200ml of body cream away at airport security only to let you buy 250ml in duty-free before boarding? Well, at least the plane was still scheduled to fly to Lisbon.

Lisbon view of Sao Vincente de Flora #Lisbon #Portugal @GingerandNutmeg

Nutmeg’s discovery of Portugal’s must see sights started with an email to 12 women with a tempting offer of accommodation in a Portuguese farmhouse. The email suggested a generally loose itinerary for the week and “bring your yoga mats.”

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Sifting through the Salt of Provence in Aigues Mortes

Nutmeg walked every aisle in the grocery store looking for salt – it was not with the spices, but rather in its’ own section near the aged balsamic vinegar. Where is the logic?

Salt Piles Le Saunier de Camargue @GingerandNutmeg #Salt #FleurdeSel

This pile of sea salt is 70 metres high

Treasured since antiquity, salt is used in kitchens around the world, to enhance flavour and preserve food. Salt also plays a medicinal role in maintaining the life sustaining salt/water ratio in the human body. Formed by the earthly elements sodium and chloride (NaCl), salt comes from two sources, underground mineral deposits and seawater.

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Exploring Alyscamps in Arles

Nutmeg agreed to accompany Ginger to the medical clinic in Arles so he could get a yellow fever vaccination for his Africa trip, but only of they could visit Alyscamps afterwards.

Alyssii campi is Latin for Elysian fields – the road leading to the kingdom of the dead.

Remains of a sarcophage - tomb via @GingerandNutmeg #Provence #Arles

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