August in Provence Slowing Down to a Snail’s Pace

Slow Down for August in Provence

At this point in the summer, tiny white snails often cling to vertical surfaces (plants, poles, signposts) in the countryside of Provence in the South of France. It took a friend to point out that while it might be hot, getting above ground level allows these creatures to survive the hottest weeks of the summer. So, the message to all of us is to slow down and enjoy the hot August days and nights in Provence. Here are some tips and articles about life in Provence in August.

A rainstorm often changes the seasonal temperatures around August 15th, a public holiday. As the days pass, the cicadas’ chanting seems to end overnight, leaving behind unusual quiet. Grapes in green, red, and purple shades grow plump and sweet, promising a bountiful harvest as the anticipation mounts in the vineyards. Here is a reference guide for the wine regions and wineries for those who enjoy Provencal wines.

Make this easy recipe for green olive “cake.” It’s a savoury snack perfect for the cocktail hour with chilled rosé.

Wines of Provence La Verre de Rosé Piscine

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