Pumpkin Tarte Tatin One Savoury Fall Pie

It is possible, that Nutmeg was spending just a little too much time on Pinterest when she came across a recipe and stunning photos for a savoury tarte tartin. Inspired by the fall ingredients that were readily available in Provence she created her own version.

Fall Tarte Tatin

A tarte tatin is a French pie that is prepared and baked upside down, then flipped over before serving. This method of preparation when used for the traditional sweet variation, with ripe pears or apples, allows the fruit to caramelize in the pan without making the crust soggy. In a savoury version, the ingredients “melt” into each other to create a delicious result.

Fall Tarte Tatin

The original sweet tarte tatin was created in the kitchen at the Hotel Tatin in the Loire Valley, in the 1880s. Although there is some debate as to whether it was a mistake or intentional, the popularity of the dish is undeniable. Pick your own seasonal ingredients and enjoy!

What other famous dishes have been created by accident?

Fall Tarte Tatin

Pumpkin Tarte Tatin with Goat Cheese
Recipe type: Main - Lunch or light dinner
Cuisine: French
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Serves: 3-4
This dish may sound complicated but it is anything but. Choose seasonal ingredients just make sure there is not too much liquid. Change up the cheese according to your ingredients and your taste. Enjoy.
  • 3 Cups Pumpkin, or Butternut Squash, remove the seeds and skin and cut into cubes
  • 1 Large Onion, peeled and chopped
  • 3 Medium Carrots, peeled and chopped
  • 1-2 Medium Leeks, cleaned and cut in rounds
  • 1-1/2 Cups Goat Cheese, medium firm texture
  • Salt and Pepper, to taste
  • 1-2 Tablespoons Herbes de Provence, Dried (rosemary, oregano, thyme, sage)
  • 3-4 Tablespoons Chervil, or Flat-leafed Parsley, chopped
  • 1 Prepared Puff Pastry shell or in France pâte feuilletée
  • Olive Oil, as required
  1. Preheat your oven to 375F
  2. In a mixing bowl, toss the chopped pumpkin or squash and carrots in olive oil, salt, pepper, herbes de Provence and chervil
  3. Place into a oven proof baking dish and bake for 30-40 minutes until soft - test with a fork
  4. Choose a heavy frying pan that can go into the oven, or better yet use one with a removable handle
  5. On the stove-top on medium heat allow the chopped onions and leeks to soften add a bit of salt and reduce the heat to allow them to caramelize - about 30-40 minutes
  6. Prepare your pastry as per the directions
  7. Once the pumpkin and carrots are cooked add to the onions and leeks, mix well
  8. Remove from heat
  9. Add chopped goat cheese to the top of the the vegetables
  10. Place pastry on top of your combined ingredients
  11. Bake @ 375F for 20-25minutes
  12. The pastry should turn golden brown and rise
  13. Using a plate larger than your pan, place over the top and inverse the pie.
  14. Voila! Serve warm with a green salad.


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